Busy, but good

It’s been a very eventful series of days. We celebrated Howard’s birthday twice. Once with presents and a nice home made dinner and a second time when Howard’s wonderful sister brought us chinese take out and then babysat the kids while we went to see National Treasure. We had a nice dinner with Chalain, Chaliren, and Pi followed by a mayhem session in Metroid Prime Echos. Link has gotten good enough at the game that he can beat his daddy. All of that came on top of all the regular business of family maintinence.

Tomorrow I need to go and sign tax return papers so that I can get the tax return asap. The return is larger than I’d anticipated and will really make a difference in keeping ends together. Thursday is parent teacher conferences and …. I’m too tired to think of the rest of the stuff happening this week. It’s all on my calendar. I write it down there so that I don’t have to store it in my brain.

In short, I’m tired but happy. Things have been busy, but good.