Colored Eggs

Tomorrow being Easter, today was the day for the annual coloring of eggs. Patches had never before participated in this ritual, but he has regularly eaten “Daddy eggs” (soft boiled eggs in the shell) and so he reacted to the sight of a row of eggs with joy. He imeadiately picked one up and smacked it on the table. In theory a cracked egg is no good for coloring, but since I use the food-coloring-in-hot-water method I knew it was completely non-toxic. I let Patches have at it. He happily smashed eggs, partially peeled eggs, colored eggs, ate egg bits, spit out shell bits, and then did it all again. The end result was completely ugly and fairly inedible. Fortunately the point of coloring eggs is not having eggs to eat, that’s just a happy by-product. The other kids all colored eggs without cracking any, so I have plenty of hard boiled eggs for next week.

Tomorrow afternoon will be our annual easter egg hunt in the back yard, but that will feature plastic eggs not real ones. And that is the extent of our secular easter celebrations. We will also attend Easter Services tomorrow morning where we will contemplate resurrection, sacrifice, and eternity. I have many many thoughts on all three concepts, but I can’t seem to craft words correctly to reflect the depth of my feelings. Suffice it to say that I am grateful to be here. I’m grateful for the family that I have. And I am grateful for the hope that existence does not end at death.