Secret Global Cat Meeting

It was 10:30 pm and 26 degrees outside when our cat began lingering suggestively by the door. She wanted to go out. Which was odd, because sub-freezing temperatures usually send her fleeing the other direction. I let her out, but then I was stuck. If I went to bed, she would be outside in the cold all night. She’d survive. We have a heated pet bed for her. She’s been outdoors in worse weather before she was officially ours. But now that she’s ours, I didn’t want to leave her out in the cold. So I waited, like a mother on prom night, for her to show up at the door.

As I waited, I happened to check twitter. John Scalzi had noted that both of his cats had just asked to go out despite the epic ice storm they’re having in Ohio. I snickered to myself and replied with a joke about a secret global cat meeting. Our cat returned and I went to bed. In the morning several other friends tweeted that their cats had all wanted out too. So now I am wondering what was so important outside last night. Our cat isn’t telling.

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