A snippet of day

Howard’s out of town. This means there are more journal entries because it is a simple way for me to keep him up to date on little stuff at home. So in that spirit:

Today I was having a post crisis discussion with Gleek trying to make sure that the appropriate lessons had been learned by the experience. The answer I was reaching for was “say I’m sorry.” The conversation ran like this:

Me: “So what do you need to do to make it right?”
Gleek: “No biting.”
Me: “That’s good. Anything else?”
Gleek: “No I hate you.”
Me: “Very good. Anything else you need to do?”
Gleek: “um. . . do my homework?”

5 thoughts on “A snippet of day”

  1. Think of it this way – in about a half-dozen years or so, they’ll be using the same arguments, but with a little more sophisticated vocabulary to accompany what are basically the same statements. 😀

  2. Sounds like Goose when we go over the rules. There are only three.

    Ask first!
    Don’t touch!

    She’ll say things like wear my helmet, do my homework, my sisters aren’t dolls.

  3. Ah but how many times a day do you think I’ve had to say that phrase before it sunk in?

    And I caught her grandmother calling Wen a baby doll today. ARGH!!! No wonder Goose treats them like dolls.

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