sleep schedules

Gleek napped today at the worst possible time. 6-8 pm. This thoroughly kills any chance I have to unwind after kids are asleep because by the time I get her to go to bed it will already be past my bedtime.

Patches isn’t helping either. His sleeping schedule is all messed up and I have no idea why. My slices of re-couperation time which I snatch during the spare moments of the day are heavily dependent on my children acting predictably. They didn’t today.

So I’m tired. Tireder than I have any right to be. I actually got enough sleep last night.

No, wait. I just mentally reviewed all the stuff I did today and I’ve decided that I’ve got every right to be tired.

Then I reviewed all the stuff I didn’t do today and figured out why I feel down.

Fortunately a good night’s sleep is all I need to repair my sense of well-being. Unfortunately sleep isn’t going to happen until I convince Gleek and Patches to do the same.

3 thoughts on “sleep schedules”

  1. Re: Bad Gleek! Bad Patches!

    And then mommy will probably beat daddy, and what will that teach them? That mommy says what goes.

  2. Re: Bad Gleek! Bad Patches!

    Actual beating will be unnecessary. All he has to do is The Daddy Scowl and The Big Daddy Voice and they’re fully aware that they’ve done wrong.

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