Christmas Day

Last night as I reviewed the gifts due to be unveiled today I could see so very clearly what wasn’t there. No new video games for Link. Used, not new, earrings for Kiki. I was pretty sure Gleek and Patches would be happy because they are little enough to not care. I worried about the older two. I needn’t have. Once again my kids have shown me that so many parents run around buying the “Perfect brand new thing” for their kids, when the kids will be happy with something small and fun. There were lots of things not purchased that I would have loved to give because they would have lit up to recieve them, but the kids are perfectly happy without. In fact I think that they are actually being able to enjoy the few things they did get more because they aren’t over loaded with new things.

I’m very relieved and tired now. I’ve been planning this for months and I’m kind of afraid to believe that it actually worked.