Dwindling numbers

In the past few weeks I’ve noticed a steady downward trend in the number of people who have me listed as a friend. This doesn’t surprise me. I started this journal thing with a bang. Howard shunted a whole bunch of traffic from the Schlock Mercenary front page into my journal. Then I aired some of my most amusing stories up front. Unfortunately the aim of this journal is not to be endlessly entertaining. I don’t seem to have Howard’s capacity to write something funny on a nigh daily basis. So it doesn’t surprise me that many people who impulsively “friended” me are discovering my regular journals uninteresting. All that ramble leads up to this announcement:

For anyone who would like me off of their friend’s list, but hasn’t because they worry my feelings will be hurt, go ahead and take me off.

I don’t want anyone to be annoyed by my little rambles.