Being Sandra

This morning Howard was browsing my wish list at Amazon, apparently pondering what to get for my birthday at the end of the month. He turned to me and said “Honey, none of the stuff on this list is for you!” My first response was “Of course it is!” Then I went and looked, and it wasn’t. The list was full of things that I’d be happy to have for the kids, but not an item on it was just for me. I’ve fixed that now. I left on all the kid stuff because it’s a convenient place to point relatives when kid’s birthdays are drawing near, but I added a bunch of stuff that is just for me. Or at least primarily for me. With money so tight I don’t expect to actually be able to get any of the items on that list anytime soon, but maintaining it is a small exercise in being Sandra without also being Mommy.

In the spirit of “Sandra Time” on Friday I plan to ditch Gleek and Patches at their Aunt’s house (Kiki & Link will be at school) while I go and see the movie Phantom of the Opera. I got to see the play a dozen years ago in LA and I’ve listened to the CD set many times, so I knew it was a movie that I wanted to see. I really want to see it on big screen with big sound so I’m splurging $4 on an earlybird matinee and calling it an early birthday present to myself.