Airport musings

Today I pulled out my photo album from last year. It contains a whole section of pictures from a trip I took to visit my parents last March. I flew with 4 kids and no Howard. It actually turned out lots better than I could have hoped. The kids were so well behaved that I actually got compliments from total strangers. As I looked at those pictures I realized that in one month I’ll again be getting on a plane, but for the first time in 12 years I’ll be flying solo, no kids.
I’ll be able to read without interruption.
My carry-on bag won’t be full of fruit snacks.
My luggage won’t contain a single diaper.
I’ll get to nap if I feel like it.
I won’t have to worry that my kids are disturbing other passengers.
I won’t have a car seat as one of my pieces of luggage.
I’ll get to actually watch the in-flight movie.
If I have to wipe up a drink it won’t be because I was blowing bubbles with the straw.
I’ll get to wander past airport gift shops without endless discussions of what we will not buy.
The only person I’ll have to keep track of is me.

It is going to be very strange and wonderful and a little bit lonely.

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