Day: September 8, 2005

Soccer Game #1

Well, I’ve survived my first encounter with a youth soccer game. I have to admit that there were good things about it. I want so much for Link to have a positive experience because I’m so afraid that he won’t. Link finished the game tired and a little frustrated because he didn’t get to kick the ball much and he didn’t get to score a goal. I was ready to try to encourage and coax and praise when I realized that Link needs the same treatment I’ve been trying to provide for Kiki. If Link has a lousy soccer game and decides to hate soccer, then I need to let him feel that way. Trying to talk someone out of feeling upset is never very successful, all you can do is explain in detail why they shouldn’t feel the way that they are feeling. Then they feel dumb as well as upset.

Link’s frustrations were mild. I think by the time soccer practice rolls around he’ll be ready to play again. Time will tell if this interest will last or whether he’ll decide that he’d rather do something else.

My job as a parent is not to make sure he has a good experience. My job is to help him deal with whatever experience he has.


Sharing stories and talking with friends is something with which I am comfortable. Telling stories about my life to strangers is something that makes me uncomfortable. My continuing ambivalence toward the existence of this journal is because it falls under both categories. These past few weeks have been full of events and stories, but few of them have made it into here. Partly that is because I’ve been busy. By the time I have a quiet moment to sit down and type my brain says “Enough!” and goes to sleep.

I want to fill my journal with fun stories and profound thoughts. I want to write about things that I’ll be glad/nostalgic to read about years from now. Lately trying to produce that kind of material has been hard. I hope it is just a product of the “settling in” phase of the school year rather than a longer term result of schedule shift.

After this weekend’s big influx of relatives September’s busiest week will be over. Next weekend is a father/son campout. The weekend after that I’m considering letting Kiki have a video party with some of her school friends. She needs out-of-school events to cement those friendships. Then September 30 is the opening of Serenity. Howard and I will be wanting to go to that. Add to all those events soccer games every thursday and Saturday. Soccer Practices every Monday. Cub Scouts every Wednesday. Kiki’s activity days every other Tuesday. Every day has stuff written on it. No wonder I’m not journaling as much. No wonder I’m tired and the housework isn’t getting done the way it should.

Speaking of which I need to go mop my kitchen floor or else my relatives will all have to extend their visits until they can get unstuck.