CSI in the kitchen

Today’s episode of CSI: Mommy began with a loud THUMP and crying. I dashed from downstairs to go and see if there was blood. I found the following scene:

Patches was sitting on the floor legs straight out in front of him. He was waving his hands as if they had “yucky” on them. Gleek was sitting on the floor next to the back door emiting a wailing noise. Between them the floor was … shiny. Hardwood floors are supposed to gleam, but this one glistened liquidly in swirling patterns. Something had been smeared. All over. By small fingers. A glance at the counter showed me the remains of Gleeks bowl of pink yogurt. The floor was glistening pinkly. By this time I was pretty sure that it was yogurt swirled so artistically all over the floor. And that Gleek had slipped and fallen on the slick yogurt. All that remained was for me to figure out the motive behind this particular crime scene. In true CSI fashion I began questioning suspects and in accordance with the script, they spilled the beans.

Gleek was eating yogurt. She wanted to share some with Patches, so she dropped dollops onto the floor for him to swipe up with his finger and lick. Apparently sharing into another bowl or with an additional spoon didn’t occur to her. The swirl patterns left by this activity were so fascinating that Food Sharing turned into Art Project. They were quite happy with themselves until Gleek was betrayed by the slickness of be-yogurted flooring.

I made the little artists help me clean up the mess.

1 thought on “CSI in the kitchen”

  1. *chuckles* Reminds me of when I was in charge of Arts and Crafts for our Summer Church Exchange. We spent a week in Elk City, Idaho. ANyhow, one of my projects for the kids was fingerpainting on wax paper with Jello pudding. For the diabetics, we had sugar-free Jello. Easy, simple, and hardly any cleanup at all.

    Man, I’m having an urge to finger food paint now!

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