Day: March 12, 2006

Knitting & Money

Today I sat down and let Kiki teach me how to knit. She’s been wanting to do it for weeks, but we’ve never made space for it. As soon as we sat down, Gleek came along and wanted to knit too. Both Kiki and I were completely aware that Gleek does not have the patience nor manual dexterity to manage knitting. Fortunately Kiki had learned a finger “knitting” technique which was not beyond Gleek’s capabilities. Kiki loved teaching it and Gleek glowed at being able to do it. I forsee yarn projects for months to come.

In other news my financial education plan seems to be working. By making sure I pay allowances weekly the kids get into a budgeting mindset rather than a bonus mindset. Kiki scored additional money by selling an unwanted toy to Gleek. I was happy to see the exchange because the toy in question was one that Gleek coveted and Kiki never used, but would defend ferociously if Gleek dared to touch it. Now the toy is Gleek’s and we’ll have more peace. Hopefully.

Kiki has held true to her plan to save for a house like the ones she saw on the way to the zoo. She is setting aside half of what she currently has to put in a savings account to save for her house. A local bank has set up a school savings plan where kids can make deposits to their accounts at school. Kiki plans to use this account to save for her house. I don’t know whether that money will eventually get used for a house, but I love that she is thinking ahead and saving money. The rest of Kiki’s money is going to be spent on supplies for her intended art projects.

Link has become fascinated with the coins themselves. He has decided to start a collection of the 50 states quarters. I’ll be trotting off to a craft store to try to find one of those cheap albums for it. He has also decided to start collecting lincoln pennies. Unfortunately penny albums run about $30, so we’ll just be sticking the pennies to cardstock paper and handwriting dates underneath. It should work fine and if he continues to be interested in coin collecting we can invest in more professional albums later.

The next stage

I’ve been in denial for a long time, but the time has come for me to actively tackle potty training Patches. I’ve been mentally planning to wait until June when I wouldn’t have to babysit NotMyBaby anymore. But due to fortuitious circumstances NMB is going elsewhere for childcare and I have my hands and brain more available to ponder potty training processes.

I’m not going to be pulling out the underpants just yet. For the next week (or month) I’ll be encouraging Patches to sit on the potty about 15 minutes after every meal. Eventually the gastrointestinal reflex will work in my favor and I’ll get to reward Patches hugely for filling the potty.

Patches won’t get to wear underpants until I’m no longer changing stinky diapers.