Beta testing our new store

It should not surprise me that there have been bugs in our new storefront. Fortunately everyone has been most kind in trying to help us sort them all out. Some were critical failures that we believe we have already fixed. Some were urgent issues that were easy to fix. Some were urgent issues that are going to require me to make a customer support phone call. Some are minor glitches that we haven’t even begun to address because we’re still managing urgent issues. In the midst of all this bug eradication I’m also printing invoices and labels then packing books for shipping. In fact I should be packing right now, but I promised myself a brief break.

An interesting observation: The longer it has been since I’ve eaten, the more stressed I feel about all the bugs, glitches, and looming book mailing. I noticed this most clearly at lunch. I bought fast food because I wasn’t capable of enough coherence to figure out that there were other options. As I began eating I was regaling Howard with the litany of bugs that I need to track down and stomp upon. I felt exactly when the energy from my food, carried by my blood, hit my brain. Everything in my head and body relaxed. What had been overwhelming was instantly manageable. This means when I’m in a high stress state I should eat often. Unfortunately when I’m in a high stress state I’m much less likely to remember to eat at all.

Back to book packing with me.

14 thoughts on “Beta testing our new store”

  1. I tend to keep a container of trailmix (well, mixed nuts and dried fruit) in one of my desk-drawers, and I’ve forced myself to eat a handful every once in a while. The body burns a huge number of calories when thinking hard about stuff, but because you didn’t do anything, you think that it’s wrong. “I can’t be hungry. All I’ve done is sit here.”

  2. I tend to keep a container of trailmix (well, mixed nuts and dried fruit) in one of my desk-drawers, and I’ve forced myself to eat a handful every once in a while. The body burns a huge number of calories when thinking hard about stuff, but because you didn’t do anything, you think that it’s wrong. “I can’t be hungry. All I’ve done is sit here.”

  3. It’s ok… Honest… It worked well enough, apparently. I mean, you DID have a bunch of orders to pack, right? SOMETHING must have gotten through…

    I’d be slightly more concerned with the massive pulse the store will get come 10am EST… That should be a lovely stress test… 🙂

    And if, God forbid, something breaks, you’ll fix it, You always do. And we’ll cope. Because we love you guys, and you got what we need.

    Come on man… *shakes and shivers* I’m hurtin’ bad man…


    You’ll all do fine, and we’ll have yer kid in braces in no time…

  4. It’s ok… Honest… It worked well enough, apparently. I mean, you DID have a bunch of orders to pack, right? SOMETHING must have gotten through…

    I’d be slightly more concerned with the massive pulse the store will get come 10am EST… That should be a lovely stress test… 🙂

    And if, God forbid, something breaks, you’ll fix it, You always do. And we’ll cope. Because we love you guys, and you got what we need.

    Come on man… *shakes and shivers* I’m hurtin’ bad man…


    You’ll all do fine, and we’ll have yer kid in braces in no time…

  5. I recently read an article about the destressing properties of a nice cup of tea. I’m not sure if there are any Mormon-friendly beverages with the correct active ingredients, but it may be worth looking into.

  6. I recently read an article about the destressing properties of a nice cup of tea. I’m not sure if there are any Mormon-friendly beverages with the correct active ingredients, but it may be worth looking into.

  7. Might be an idea to keep a bowl or platter of healthy snacks close by and make it a habit to nibble as you work. Or set a timer for you to take a break every so often and make it a habit to nibble or have fruit juice when you break.

    Managing stress and managing weight is a hard balance to strike… I’m still working on it too.

  8. Might be an idea to keep a bowl or platter of healthy snacks close by and make it a habit to nibble as you work. Or set a timer for you to take a break every so often and make it a habit to nibble or have fruit juice when you break.

    Managing stress and managing weight is a hard balance to strike… I’m still working on it too.

  9. As I understand it, part of the relaxing qualty of tea is the preparation ritual associated with it. I’m pretty certain that I could duplicate much of the relaxation with hot apple cider.

  10. As I understand it, part of the relaxing qualty of tea is the preparation ritual associated with it. I’m pretty certain that I could duplicate much of the relaxation with hot apple cider.

  11. The study I linked to did remove most of the flavour/preparation aspect to exclude that and there was a control group, so there’s definitely a chemical effect there as well.

    That said, the preparation of a cup of tea involves time away from whatever you were doing and certainly adds to the effect.

  12. The study I linked to did remove most of the flavour/preparation aspect to exclude that and there was a control group, so there’s definitely a chemical effect there as well.

    That said, the preparation of a cup of tea involves time away from whatever you were doing and certainly adds to the effect.

  13. Since my son was born, I’ve noticed that I become irritable about 6:00 or so, if I haven’t eaten since lunch. This is a new thing for me, and it was a nasty shock when I had an experience similar to yours. I was nearly in tears with the grumps, and the confusion about why I had the grumps, and the feeling of being overwhelmed by .. well, stuff, when dinner was finally ready. We ate, et voila! All the grumps were gone. It was an odd experience.

  14. Since my son was born, I’ve noticed that I become irritable about 6:00 or so, if I haven’t eaten since lunch. This is a new thing for me, and it was a nasty shock when I had an experience similar to yours. I was nearly in tears with the grumps, and the confusion about why I had the grumps, and the feeling of being overwhelmed by .. well, stuff, when dinner was finally ready. We ate, et voila! All the grumps were gone. It was an odd experience.

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