Star Blazers

I loved Star Blazers as a kid. I remember watching it in the afternoons. So when I saw it on Netflix, I borrowed the first disc to share with my kids.

We just watched the first part. I’m still trying to decide whether to cry with nostalgia, laugh at the horrible hokey-ness, or wander away bored.

4 thoughts on “Star Blazers”

  1. I actually stopped like 5 minutes into disc one. It just hurt my eyes and soul to watch it…

    Some things should never be re-watched… This is why I don’t seek old Transformers cartoon episodes, or thundercats/silver hawks…

    Or old GI Joe.

    I know they would let me down, and not be nearly as cool as they once were…

  2. One of the few things that is nearly as good as I remember it is Animaniacs. I suspect most of the rest of the things I used to watch would be horrible if I saw it now.

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