All is healthy in heartland

The report from the heart monitor came in and the news was good. My heart is completely normal and healthy. There were definitely some palpitation events. Apparently one of my ventricles doesn’t wait its turn sometimes. But “sometimes” is less than 1% of the time. Having ruled out heart damage or defects, we’re moving on to blood work. We’ll be testing for menopause and hypoglycemia. In the meantime I’m going to continue to eat right, sleep well, and get some exercise since those things have already proved effective in making me feel much better.

4 thoughts on “All is healthy in heartland”

  1. roster007 here.

    When I was a newlywed, the only doctor I could find for a bladder infection was a HEART DOCTOR! The nurse listened to my heart and told me I had an innocent heart murmur.
    I believe LightningBoy has an innocent heart murmur as well.

    and that’s my heart story.

    The End.

    Glad things are okay with you. 🙂

  2. Excellent news. It’s so nice when medical checkups don’t find the problems you fear they might, and it’s great that you’re OK and the problems are so easily solved.

    in similar vein recently, and notwithstanding that I’m about 80lbs overweight, (or more if you take the weight the so-called experts think I should be), apparently my cholesterol is normal and I’m not diabetic. Not that I really thought I was, but it’s nice to know…

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