Laurell Hamilton

Last night we had Laurell K. Hamilton over for dinner. Yes that Laurell Hamilton. The one who wrote dozens of best selling vampire novels. I’ve not read any of the novels in question, but I was very aware of their existence, and of the fact that there are people who wait in lines for hours to speak with her for 60 seconds at a book signing. I used my nervous energy to clean house. I also used it to sit the children down and explain that it isn’t appropriate to greet anyone who comes in the door with a flying hug.

Then when Howard arrived with Laurell and her husband Jonathan and their security liaison Charles, I realized that all my advance preparations were needless. The people who came through my door were not Laurell Hamilton and her entourage, they were just Laurell and Jonathan and Charles. I was instantly comfortable with them and realized that these were people who probably would be happy to be greeted with flying hugs from strange children. We had a delightful evening and talked far more about children and parenting than about business or writing. I wished they could have stayed longer. There were so many more stories to be shared, so much more laughter to have. Alas, Laurell is on a book tour and they only had the one evening free. Hopefully we’ll get to meet up again sometime.

5 thoughts on “Laurell Hamilton”

  1. Laurell is a lovely woman, but I cannot read her books.
    Actually, that isn’t totally true: my favorite book by her, Nightseer, was a one-off that never got a published sequel.

  2. Just for the record, should I ever be lucky enough to come to your house for dinner, I would love to be greeted by flying children hugs. 😀

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