Looking forward

This time last year, Howard and I looked at a calendar and realized exactly how many conventions he’d committed to attend. I knew then that the year would be crazy and full of new things. It was also about a year ago that I began to do layout work for the Schlock books. We are now nearing the end of that year of craziness. After Worldcon, Howard has no travel scheduled. At all. I can’t remember the last time there wasn’t a trip looming on the calendar ahead. I am looking forward to some routine. I’m looking forward to developing a family/work rhythm that isn’t thrown off by travel. I’m looking forward to cranking out the Schlock books and releasing them on a regular schedule. I’m looking forward to not having the last minute panic of “we’ve got to get this book out before we run out of money.” I’m looking forward to having enough space in my brain to keep in touch with the kids’ teachers.

The past 12 months have been all about stretching to do new things. I hope the next 12 months are about settling in.