Month: January 2011

A Conversation with Kiki about homework

Me: We need to have a conversation about homework, but this isn’t going to be one where we plan or schedule anything. It will be a meta conversation about homework.

Kiki: (At first looks cautious and then relieved.) Okay.

Me: I feel like lately you’re up high doing something and I’m running around under you with a net to catch you if you fall. It’s kind of tiring.

Kiki: Thats…a pretty accurate description.

Me: So I’m going to stop running around with the net. I’m going to sit on the sidelines and you can call me out if you need me. I’m happy to help if you need it, but I’m not going to keep track or make you do it.

Kiki: Okay.

Me: Except for math. I’m still going to be in your face about math, because ignoring it to death isn’t going to work. I don’t want to underestimate the power of your loathing of math.

Kiki: (nods) That’s probably wise.

I hope it works. I’m really tired of dreading her homework.

First day back to routine

I stared blearily at the clock. 6:30. It was beeping at me. Oh. That’s right, the kids have school. How do I do school mornings again? I was pretty sure it started by me getting out of bed and stopping the beeps. Thus our new year began with me pulling out memories of how to run school mornings which felt crinkled and ages old.

Thus our new year began. I know that technically the year is already three days old, but I never feel like it is the new year until we’ve re-established our routines. I’m not sure we’ve quite succeeded yet, but the creakiness of the morning has given way to an afternoon that has a familiar shape to it.

The first work week of a new year is always gobbled up by accounting and beginning of the year to-do lists. The deluge of book keeping isn’t depressing me this year because I remembered to expect it. This year I’m also trying to settle new habits of thought into my schedule as well. So far it is working, but I still feel like I’m wearing a cloak of these thoughts rather than residing in them as if they were my skin. I’ll get there.

I hit one of the first challenges to my new frame of mind. Kiki is struggling with her class load this year. Instead of stepping up and getting the work done, she has grown to depend upon me organizing and enforcing work. This pattern was necessary last Fall when she was truly drowning. Lately, she has plenty of time but tends to avoid work until I prod her. Then she gets grouchy at me for reminding her that homework exists in the world even if we don’t want it to. Kiki is aware of the illogic of her behavior. She is honestly sorry even while she flops into a heap of “I can’t do it” and waits for me to make her. I feel frustrated with her, but compelled to keep pushing because I can’t let her short-sightedness damage her long-term future. So we run in little codependent circles which do neither of us any good.

This is where my new parenting focus and new thought patterns helped me. I was able to see the pattern and pick apart the errors in my own thinking. My false thought was this: “If I don’t help her, she’ll fail. Then she’ll feel even more helpless and depressed. It will spiral downward from there.” The truth is that Kiki is stronger and smarter than that. She might fail a little, but then she’ll dust herself off and figure it out. Instead of being her safety net and task master, I need to be her resource which she can tap for help at times of her own choosing. I need to be more hands off. Which frightens me. Because she could choose avoidance and depression instead of work and confidence. Finding the right balance is going to be tricky. The good news is that I can share every one of these thoughts with Kiki. I can tell her exactly what I am trying to accomplish. Together we can find the best balance for us both.

Balance, that is what I’m striving for in this new year. Along with it I want to find measures of peace and joy to go along with the feeling of purpose that carries me forward. The year started creakily, but I think we’ll all limber up and make it a good one.

New Year’s Eve at Chez Tayler

At 10:30 pm it was just me and the cat. The two teens in our house had scattered for parties with friends. Howard was also out. The younger two were abed and asleep. I was pretty content, particularly when the cat decided that our house needed a vigorous defense against the ravages of hair bands. Only she got embarrassed if I watched her play, so I had to snicker quietly.
11:00 Howard came home. He’d been having fun, but decided that he wanted to come home and be with me.
11:10 Link came tromping through the back yard. He’d also had a great time but said “I decided to spend New Year’s with my family.” The three of us sat down to play a game of Poo, which is a card game about monkeys who fling. (I can now honestly say that I got Howard monkey poo for Christmas.)
11:40 Kiki came in through the front door. She repeated Link almost verbatim “It was fun, but I decided to spend New Year’s with my family.”
So we played Poo until the fireworks let us know that the date stamp had changed over.

I think this counts as a family win.