The Calendar for Next Year

I’ve already got my wall calendar for next year. It is sitting rolled up in a corner of the living room. I had to order it off of the internet. Year-at-a-glance wall calendars have become a specialty item rather than being readily available at my local office supply store. I admit, this fact made me pause. Perhaps my decade-old system is out of date. I stopped using a paper planner last year and now rely instead on electronic tools. But I am not yet ready to abandon all my familiar methodologies merely for a sense of progress. It is useful sometimes to stand in front of the calendar and picture the sweep of events across weeks and months, all of it written out in colored ink.

So I have my calendar. Some time in the next five days I will pull it out and transfer information from the year past onto the year to come. Birthdays, anniversaries, schedules, and events must all be inked onto the new year.
But not yet.
I’m not ready yet.
For the next few days I only have those last 2011 odds and ends to finish up. Right now I can view and entire year’s worth of completed tasks recorded in multi-colored ink. I suppose I should feel accomplished about that. Mostly I feel tired and not quite ready to put together the list of things-to-come for next year. I’ll be ready soon, I think, but not today.

4 thoughts on “The Calendar for Next Year”

  1. While you’re planning your year, do you want to schedule an Authors’ Advisory appearance for you and your husband? 🙂 I’d love to have you do a podcast on running a family writing business or something like that…. 🙂

    1. On this same note, thank you for introducing me to Pinterest. It has really helped me collect, play with, store, and respond to images in ways that I haven’t done in years. It is good for me to get away from all words all the time.

      Taking this a step further, I have occasionally printed out images from Pinterest to use in personal craft projects. This adds a tactile element as well.

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