Nebula Weekend Thursday

I expected to make a mad dash through the Detroit airport. I only had an hour lay over. Instead I discovered that I’d landed at gate A74 and my departing flight was at A75. I mozied over and sat down. This left me plenty of time to observe how very different the crowd on the DC flight was from many of my previous flights. There were lots of suits, expensive ones. I tried to play “spot the Geek” to see if anyone on my flight was also headed to the Nebulas. I didn’t see anyone. I keep hoping for a repeat of the fortunate circumstance that landed Howard and I in a seat next to Paulo Bacigalupi during our flight to Montreal. We had a marvelous conversation the whole way to WorldCon. Failing to spot any geek tribe members I spent time watching at least thirty people who were carrying red passports declaring “People’s Republic of China.” I decided they were tourists. I ended up sitting next to a nice gentleman from this group. We didn’t talk, his English was limited. I didn’t really talk to anyone during my flight travel. I spent the time deep inside my own head. Plenty of thoughts to sort there. I also spend some flight time with Calcifer. He is my new laptop, named after the fire which powers Howl’s magical moving and transforming castle. Hopefully this laptop will be the heart of a castle in the sky for me too. So Calcifer and I produced some words.

Virgina has a law where hotels are not allowed to kick out guests once they have checked in. This matters because a large tour group decided to stay for an extra day and half of the Nebula attendees were relocated to another hotel. Nancy and I were among those who’ve been relocated. The Hyatt was quite apologetic and comped the night’s stay along with providing free cab vouchers and free internet. They also ran shuttles after events ended this evening. So instead of being in a Hyatt we’re in the Gaylord. As near as I can tell the Gaylord is a hotel designed to allow rich people to impress each other. The last time I was in a space so consciously lavish was the Casinos in Reno. But Casino hotels feel like a tarnished lavish and this one feels like it means the lavishness. Interestingly, I don’t feel intimidated by it. It is a hotel. I have a bed to sleep in. All is well.

Nancy and I came back to the room early. She is still recovering from jet lag, having come from Germany two days ago. I, on the other hand, am on Utah time. Thus I am blogging while Nancy sleeps and while I wait for my biorythmic clock to decide that sleep is possible.

Word from home is that all is going well, which makes me glad. Tomorrow I go touring.

2 thoughts on “Nebula Weekend Thursday”

  1. Most states have an innkeeper’s law regarding not being able to require checkout, not just Virginia. Certainly, the former colonial states would because it’s part of English Common Law. Plus this was just good business sense on their part. The tour group will come back another time.

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