
After months of ignoring my empty birdfeeder, I refilled it on Wednesday afternoon. I’ve been amply rewarded by that small effort. This morning I got to watch a flock of chickadees, finches, juncos, and a pair of warblers all fluttering around in my back yard.

I’ll be keeping the feeder full until I run out of seed. The extra effort necessary to buy more seed could be a stumbling block, or not I’ll just have to see.

4 thoughts on “Birds”

  1. I’m sure the birds will accept bread crumbs, cookie crumbs, and leftovers from children’s pumpkin pie… not sure that it’s particularly healthy for the birds, though…

  2. In the summer they love those things. Unfortunately our feeder isn’t set up for them and so in the winter such offerings get buried in snow and turn into a mildewy lump for us to discover in the spring. Maybe I’ll figure out how to rig a special crumb birdfeeder . . .

  3. Suggestions for feeding crumbs and so on …

    A suet feeder w/a bit of nylon netting inside … take a few minutes w/needle and thread to secure the netting and it’s pretty much permanent until ripped apart.

    If you don’t have a suet feeder, a quick and easy imitation can be made out of a few inches of hardware cloth … if you go with the 1/4″ cloth then you don’t need the nylon netting inside.

    Somewhat less permanent – the little plastic bowls and cups from microwave dinners, buckets of butter or whatever … punch a few holes in the bottom for drainage, and hang them up. The birds figure out pretty quickly what’s going on.

    It sounds great, all those birds. I need to get our feeder up and going again.

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