Tis the season . . .

. . . for mice to move into our walls. Sigh. I heard one tonight. It was in the wall of Patches room, the wall right next to his crib. The Mommy Bear tells me that is far too close to my baby and that I should tear the wall open to slay the interloper. My more logical brain tells me to use traps. Unfortunately I have no clue where to set traps to catch that mouse. I have to set traps where the mouse goes and Patches and Gleek don’t go. So far I’ve only managed to identify one location like that, and it is inside a wall where I can’t go. grr.

Having skritching in the walls is NOT going to be helpful in quelling Gleek’s nighttime fears.

Any suggestions/tips on vermin killing are welcome. We get little brown deer mice.

11 thoughts on “Tis the season . . .”

  1. There are humane traps. Little boxes that catch the mice. The problem is that most are very senstive as in walking heavy will trip them. And if the kids decide to pick up the trap that’ll trigger it or if they pick it and there’s a mouse in it they might open the door and let the mouse out.

    I’d go for putting traps behind the fridge and under the stove and baiting with peanut butter.

  2. Don’t forget that cats are allergic to young children below the age of ten, so that’s not going to work out for the cat either. 😀

  3. Mice in the walls…

    For what it’s worth my father did heating and air conditioning installations for the past 5 years or so. In his opinion the best way to deal with mice was to leave peanut butter (popular bait!) filled traps (Humane or otherwise) about a foot inside any ductwork in the offending walls. Evidently mice tend to use existing ductwork as a transport highway and traps centered there will have a good chance of finding a target.

    This is all second hand and from memory, but I hope it helps out some. 😉

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