Another Bedtime Story

Last night’s bedtime was emotionally wracking.  I was hoping for a much more peaceful process tonight.  In an effort to secure this I got everyone involved in a reading stories.  This worked for calming everyone down, but then I had to argue about stopping reading and turning out the light.  Link in particular didn’t want to stop reading.  The child I was afraid would dislike reading and get left behind in his classes was arguing because he didn’t want to stop reading.  That is a happy kind of argument to have.

With kids abed I decended the stairs.  I wasn’t down long though before I heard thumping over head.  It was quiet thumping, so I hoped it would settle on it’s own.  It didn’t, so after 10 minutes I trudged back upstairs to quell whatever enthusiasm was causing thumps.  The thumping was caused by Kiki.  She’d cleaned up the entire room to surprise me.

It isn’t hard to be a good mom when you have amazingly wonderful kids.

5 thoughts on “Another Bedtime Story”

  1. Wow.

    I was always into the reading-well-into-the-night thing. My parents did their best to ensure I actually got a decent night’s sleep, but as soon as they stopped enforcing it I was back to my old habits.

    Enthusiasm about reading is a wonderful thing, and I can only imagine the sort of maternal pride you feel when your kids love to read, or when they spontaneously clean their rooms for you. You have wonderful kids indeed, and I know why. 😀

  2. Last night my son and I were up real late. I was working on my writing and he was doing his letters and then a fun song came on and he and I danced in the kitchen in the dark with the candle on. He was so cute, wanting to put one hand on my waist and hold my other hand in his. He was so proud of that. It just made me smile. I think it’s times like this that make me really glad I’m a mom.

  3. argh, bedtime.

    Hey sandra, I figured out how to respond to your journal entries. Yay!
    I just have to say that SoccerGirl decided to take a nap at 5pm till 9 pm and was happy and awake when we were getting ready for bed. Usually she goes to our bed to go to sleep and then we transfer her to our bed when we go to bed (just to preserve the peace and needed sleep for LightningBoy) SO at 11pm she wants to go to bed with us!
    After the night before of her coming into our bed at around 3am, and me not getting any sleep, I was desperate to sleep in my bed all by myself and SLEEP! I just went to bed and let Ross take care of it… he got to bed by midnight after the “you stay in your bed, I need to go to the bathroom” trick. Yay. We are not letting her fall asleep at 5pm ever again.
    And, you’re right… who ever decided that kid’s feet go pitter patter? Clomp! Clomp! Clomp!

  4. Re: argh, bedtime.

    They do go pitter patter when they are below you. Our children are in the basement (It’s finished, really! Those cages are almost never used!). I am not sure if it is better or not that we don’t hear them most of the time down there. We don’t hear the sneaking out of the rooms until they get really loud… OTOH, we do get to enjoy a bit more peace in the evening.

    In a related note. I am not sure which of our two to be more annoyed with recently. My Daughter is very social and wants to come out of her room often to talk, read, whatever. She can’t seem to stay in her room. My son likes to play quietly in his room late at night, and often plays so quietly we don’t know he is awake until we check on him before we go to bed and find him flat out in the middle of his bedroom with toys spread around him.

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