Christmas Thanks

We had a wonderful Christmas. Today I am feeling incredibly grateful because everything that made Christmas wonderful for the kids (And adults too) was a gift to us from someone else. The Knex, bop-it, capsela, and tonka trucks which were the Christmas Morning Surprises came from a neighbor. The Polly Pockets and Hamtaro items came from my parents. Another neighbor bought barbie, polly pocket, and star wars toys for my kids unexpectedly. And the money that bought DDR and a pair of pads for me came from Lady Anne and Level head. The Return of the King Deluxe Set came from our friend Richard Bliss.

A few weeks ago I was so proud of my “$100 Christmas”. Now I feel humble and grateful because for all my running around and bargain hunting it would not have been so lavish a Christmas without the generosity of others.

4 thoughts on “Christmas Thanks”

  1. A few weeks ago I was so proud of my “$100 Christmas”. Now I feel humble and grateful because for all my running around and bargain hunting it would not have been a wonderful Christmas without the generosity of others.

    I’ve been following your efforts to budget for this Christmas with interest and a great deal of respect for your resourcefulness. However it sounds here as if you’re admitting that in order to have a good Christmas you must be prepared to spend a lot of money. I hope not, because I don’t think you should admit defeat or think you could not have provided your family with a happy Christmas without the external gifts.

  2. No I don’t mean to admit defeat about money not equalling Christmas happiness. What I meant to express is that for me the true magic of this christmas was in the unlooked for generosity and kindness of others.

    It isn’t the things themselves that have me so humbly grateful it is the kind thoughts and intentions behind the gifts. One of the gifts that had me most grateful and tearful was a present from my sister in Georgia. She sent me a little envelope with a wrapped packet of Eyeshadow and a letter full of childhood memories. She didn’t have to do it, it was a simple and inexpensive thing to do, but it means the world to me because of the kindness and thoughts behind it.

    It wasn’t the expense of the gifts or the shiny-newness of them. It was the fact that lots of people who didn’t have to give us anything at all gave us so much. For that I am grateful and awestruck.

  3. Ahh, yes, I see what you mean. Thank you for clarifying 🙂

    Happy Christmas to you and yours and may 2005 be all you’re hoping for 🙂

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