Vacation’s end

After tonight the luxury of late nights and sleeping-in ends. Sunday morning we have to get everyone up and ready for church by 9 am. This is a significant change from the 1 pm church schedule we’ve had for the last year. I actually prefer the 9 am schedule, but the adjustment period will be rough.

On Monday school begins again. Usually by this point in a vacation I’m ready for it to be over and the kids to have more stuff to do. This time I’m still enjoying the break. I didn’t make them get up once in the past week and I only required the barest minimums of work. The one thing I did try to do was keep bedtimes sane, but that was pure self defense. Getting back to school will be good for us. Really.

At least we get to end with a bang. My parents are due here this afternoon and we’re going to spend New Years Eve together with them and my youngest brother who is headed for college. It is going to be fun.