Grumpy evicted

Today has been a good day for both Howard and I. He was able to be productive. I was able to get DDR to work correctly and I got to finish Going Postal by Terry Pratchett. Now that I’m finished with the book, Howard can dive into it and in theory I can Get Stuff Done.

I’m feeling energetic and ready for a project. Unfortunately the things on the Things Which Need Done list do not match up with the top items on the Things I Feel Like Doing list. Sigh.

On the upside if I get my work done then I can enjoy guilt-free Buffy viewing later this evening. That is assuming I can drag Howard out of the Pratchett book long enough to watch with me.

7 thoughts on “Grumpy evicted”

  1. That was an awesome book.
    You should check the library for the juvenile discworld books if you haven’t read them already – The Amazing Maurice & His Educated Rodents, The Wee Free Men & Hat full of Sky.

  2. We’ve read all three. I think we own them, in fact. They all came out before I left Novell, when we supported authors whose work we loved by purchasing things in hardback.


  3. I missed the juveniles because I simply didn’t know they existed until recently, so I try to spread the word that they exist when I can :). I’ve been buying pTerry’s books since ’89… boy I feel old now.

    “The Art of Discworld” is really nice, but a bit expensive unfortunately.

  4. Unfortunately the things on the Things Which Need Done list do not match up with the top items on the Things I Feel Like Doing list.

    Dontcha hate it when that happens? Sometimes I just have to promote one of the items on the Things I Feel Like Doing list. 🙂

  5. Woohoo – Guilt-Free Buffy!

    Sweet way to end the day! And congratulations on getting the DDR to work.

    Going Postal was a neat book. It was sort of nice having a book that didn’t have the usual stuff.

  6. Going Postal was a GREAT book imho, though the junior postman with his home made cures was deeply frightening while being intensly funny. And the Smoking Gnu!

  7. Juggling lists

    Unfortunately the things on the Things Which Need Done list do not match up with the top items on the Things I Feel Like Doing list.

    Love this phrase. Every day I try to sneak in at least one of the fun things. Unfortunately sometimes I have many lists: Things I need to do. Things I HAVE to do. Things I want to do but are too tired, busy, etc. to start. Things I feel like doing. Sometimes the things I feel like doing are not the things I really want to do so I read or play a computer game and don’t draw or sew or start that new project.

    This whole “conversation” reminds me of a story I used to tell–“The Little Red Hen”. As you will remember, none of the animals will help the Little Red Hen so she says, “I and my chicks will do it ourselves.” In my version, she tells the chicks, “True happiness consists not in always doing what one likes but in liking what one has to do.”

    Rose the story lady

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