
Church is an ordeal when toddlers are involved. They don’t understand the meeting and they have a hard time sitting quietly for any length of time. As typical LDS parents, Howard and I try to ease the difficulty with toys and small snacks. In Patches case they are Hot Wheels cars and Cheerios or raisins. Today Patches had a little pile of raisins and a red convertible car. I watched him drive the car up to the pile of raisins. He then carefully put a raisin in the driver’s seat and a second into the passenger seat. The car then drove around in a circle with accompanying “vrrrrooooom” noises. The drive terminated at Patches where he pulled the raisins out of the car and ate them. Then the car returned to the raisin pile for a repeat of the process. It was a wonderfully quiet and time-consuming process. But I couldn’t help but feel sorry for all those little raisin passengers each waiting for their thrill-ride to consumption.

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