Gleek again

Today I had lunch with Gleek and Howard. The three of us were having a conversation about why we can’t own a horse. It is the second or third time through this topic with Gleek, but probably not the last. During the discussion Gleek made a discovery. She looked at her daddy, grinned, and said “Horse poop!” She was so gleefully taunting with this semi-forbidden word that Howard busted out laughing. Then I couldn’t help but laugh because both of them were laughing. Anytime the laughing neared a pause Gleek would delightedly start it again. “Bird poop!” “Horse poop!” “Macaroni Poop!” “Poop!” Howard could not stop laughing and he was so funny that I couldn’t either. So rather than being responsible parents and quelling the potty talk at the table we all laughed until we nearly cried. Towards the end I managed to work out the words “Howard, this is your fault! She’s YOUR daughter!”

I love being able to laugh over lunch, but I’m going to be living with the consequent potty fascination for weeks.

3 thoughts on “Gleek again”

  1. Is Macaroni Poop Orange???

    I love / hate those funny moments …
    I have often had to cover my mouth and shoo the kids out so I can laugh out loud.
    But, I’m sure they can see my eyes smiling.
    After a good hearty laugh with the kids, we then have to have a discussion on why we only joke about “—–” at home and not in public. OKAY??? {:0

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