Self Discipline

For the past couple of weeks Howard and I have been staying up too late almost every night re-watching CSI season 2. For the past couple of weeks my diet/exercise reigimen has been non-existent. I suspect that the first is a causative factor in the second. I need to be getting more sleep. I function much better when I’m not tired all day every day.

Sadly what this means is that I need to be exercising more self-discipline. I need to be getting up ontime each morning instead of hitting snooze until the last possible moment. I need to not touch my computer until the kids are off to school. Then I need to not “wander through” and check email 8 times a day. I don’t get that much mail and every time I sit down, I end up clicking on things just for the sake of clicking. I need to not read until the day’s work is done. I need to go to bed at bedtime even if it means no CSI for the evening.

“A place for everything and everything in its place” applies to time as well as things.