Day: February 22, 2005

Yard Work!

Today was the first springish day in weeks. My crocus began blooming and the hyacinths are starting to poke flower stalks up. Yay! In the spirit of the occasion I took my shovel and commenced work on my February yard work list. Hint for anyone who was wondering: Moving a five foot tall lilac bush is NOT easy. Nor is chopping large branches out of an overgrown pear tree. My arms look and feel like I was attacked by a rabid cat.

Still to do:
dig up lawn for the vegetable bed
chop huge branches into bits
transplant strawberries
bury last year’s grass clippings in this years veggie beds
prep spots for grapes to grow
fix the lawnmower
fix the weedwacker

and that list is plenty long enough. I’m going to stop there.