Yard Work!

Today was the first springish day in weeks. My crocus began blooming and the hyacinths are starting to poke flower stalks up. Yay! In the spirit of the occasion I took my shovel and commenced work on my February yard work list. Hint for anyone who was wondering: Moving a five foot tall lilac bush is NOT easy. Nor is chopping large branches out of an overgrown pear tree. My arms look and feel like I was attacked by a rabid cat.

Still to do:
dig up lawn for the vegetable bed
chop huge branches into bits
transplant strawberries
bury last year’s grass clippings in this years veggie beds
prep spots for grapes to grow
fix the lawnmower
fix the weedwacker

and that list is plenty long enough. I’m going to stop there.

7 thoughts on “Yard Work!”

  1. The only good thing about a long things-to-do list —

    — is that if you don’t feel like doing one thing on it, there’s always something else to move on to. 🙂

    Congrats on getting started with it! 🙂

  2. Re: The only good thing about a long things-to-do list —

    What about a whole bunch of opportunities for that warm fuzzy feeling when you cross something off of it?

  3. woohooo! nice pre-spring days!!! We’ve got peepers peeping and birds singing all over the place.

    What types of veggies are you going to try for this year?

  4. I have so got to start my list of outdoor chores, I just have to wait another couple of weeks and then I’ll be finished with my couple of classes that are only half semesters and I will actually have time to do outside stuff. As far as lilac bushes, I have between 8 and 10 that I would like to move ’cause they get over run by the vines that are along the side of the fence as well. I just have no idea how I’m going to do that. Even though we have lived in the house for almost 3 years now, this is the 1st sumer that we have actually “owned” the house and now we can do whatever we want. YAH! Awfully excited about that. Good luck on your projects. I’m certainly going to need them on mine.

  5. My recommendation on the lilac bushes: Use a backhoe. The only reason I attempted the one in my yard was because it was a baby bush. Adult lilacs are monsters. Hopefully my lilac will be happy in its new home around the side of the house. It is an off shoot of my Grandma’s monster bush and I like the feeling of generational connectedness that having it gives me.

    Yay for owning your house! Best of luck with your projects.

  6. Patches saw your picture and said “Kitty! Kitty Sleeping!” Gleek loves the kitty too.
    Veggies: Tomatos, anaheim chilis, jalapenos, green onions, onions, pumpkin, beans, sugar peas, summer squash, herbs. At least that’s the plan so far. I need to conference with my sister-in-law who grows a huge garden every year. She’ll probably have lots of good advice for me.

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