Busy week

If I’d thought about it in advance I would never have picked this week to turn over a new leaf in childcare and housekeeping. But the leaf needed to be turned and in fact will probably save my sanity this week. I cannot possibly handle this many large projects without being more focused and organized than I have been recently.

Major events this week:
Soccer season begins— for the next 5 weeks I’ll be ferrying Link to practices and games thrice per week.
cub scout space derby— they handed out the rocket kit a month ago. We were supposed to be working on it carefully to create the perfect rubber band rocket. We opened the box this evening so now we have construction and painting and sanding to do. Howard said he’d help with this, which is good because I’m in a “get it done” mood rather than an “enjoy the process” mood.
preschool at my house— this happens every five weeks, so it isn’t new. I just wish it didn’t coincide with everything else. At least I don’t have to juggle NotMyBaby during preschool anymore.
dance lesson registration— this will be Gleek’s second dance lesson and the first where I have to register her and plunk down money. Not a big stress, but one more thing to do.
Meeting with Link’s teacher– Nothing major, but I wish it weren’t this week.
Images of Greatness— this is Kiki’s presentation on Thursday night that is a culmination of two months of projects. When this huge project was handed out I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. She had to create a poster, write a 7 paragraph essay, write a poetry riddle, create an issue of time magazine with multiple articles, create a poster size venn diagram, find and mount 4 math poems, write a journal as if it were written by her chosen mathemetician, create a display with all of these things on it, and do a memorized presentation. We’re down to the wire and significant pieces are still yet to be done.
drama, knitting, first aid— these are all afternoon activities that Kiki attends this week. None of them require much from me other than picking her up at a different time, but they do use up time that won’t be available for frantically finishing images of greatness.
potty training— I’m not stressing this right now, but I need to not let it go completely either.
Howard leaves for a convention— On Friday Howard has to leave for a convention appearance. Between now and then I need to catch up on all the laundry, help him organize his portfolios of art for sale, and help him pack.

And when all of that is done I need to not fall into a pit of introversion where I ignore house and family until the chaos reaches levels beyond any sane person’s tolerance.

The good news is that because of my leaf turning, today has been a good day and I feel like I can actually juggle all of these things.

10 thoughts on “Busy week”

  1. In regards to Kiki’s project, if you’re lacking math poems and such, Lewis Carroll (write of [i]Alice in Wonderland[/i]) was also a brilliant mathematician, and many of his poems are logic- and math-based. I did a project on him a year ago for a 200-level English class, and his stuff was very interesting, and yet very simply-written. (He did primarily write for children.) Anyway, just a thought. Good luck on everything!

  2. In regards to Kiki’s project, if you’re lacking math poems and such, Lewis Carroll (write of [i]Alice in Wonderland[/i]) was also a brilliant mathematician, and many of his poems are logic- and math-based. I did a project on him a year ago for a 200-level English class, and his stuff was very interesting, and yet very simply-written. (He did primarily write for children.) Anyway, just a thought. Good luck on everything!

  3. Gah. One thing about having kids: when you’re overwhelmed, you can’t just go hide and play video games til it all goes away. They need you too much.

    Take a breath for yourself in there sometime this week, if you can, so you don’t go all burn-out-y.

  4. Gah. One thing about having kids: when you’re overwhelmed, you can’t just go hide and play video games til it all goes away. They need you too much.

    Take a breath for yourself in there sometime this week, if you can, so you don’t go all burn-out-y.

  5. Hi – I hope you don’t mind that I’ve friended your journal. I’m also a SAHM and interested in some of the tips and such you’ve posted for frugal living. Got here from links through Schlock Mercenary 🙂

  6. Hi – I hope you don’t mind that I’ve friended your journal. I’m also a SAHM and interested in some of the tips and such you’ve posted for frugal living. Got here from links through Schlock Mercenary 🙂

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