onward into summer

Monday brings the beginning of our summer schedule. Monday brings the first day of swim lessons. Monday also brings the beginning of potty-training-in-earnest. I’ve been inching Patches toward trained, but now is the time to nudge. I’m not sure whether this nudge will end with him back in pull-ups or not, but either way it is an important step to take so that he can learn skills. I’m not really looking forward to puddles on carpet, but they are an inevitable part of the process. I’m also not sure how Patches will respond to this nudge. Several weeks ago he requested to wear underpants, but after 3 puddles he didn’t complain when I put the pull-ups back on. I’ve already talked to him today about wearing underpants on Monday. He seems to like the idea. Hopefully it will be a positive experience for everyone.

In other news, I’ve abandoned my search for a cheap used bunkbed. I found a new one on ebay. With cost and shipping and buying an additional mattress I’m going to be out $250, but with the sales from Howard’s book going so well I’m not panicked about spending money. The one I ordered is a dark cherry color which matches none of the furniture in the boy’s room, but I declined to pay an additional $50 for the same frame in a lighter color. I’m guessing that they’re trying to clear out the darker color because it isn’t as fashionable.

I showed Link and Patches the picture of the bunkbed. Patches’ eyes lit up. He really likes the idea of having a big bed. Link wasn’t so enthusiastic. He informed me that he’d much prefer a bunkbed with an attached slide. When I informed him that we have a perfectly good slide outdoors and that beds are for sleeping, he conceded that this bunkbed would be just fine.

It makes me a little sad that Patches will soon be out of diapers and out of his toddler bed. He’s growing up. I just don’t have a baby anymore. It makes me wistful sometimes, but right now I’m very glad not to be burdened with the 24/7 care of an infant. There are so many other things for me to be doing.

Our new neighbors moved in today. They have two little boys exactly the ages of Gleek and Patches. For a long time I worried because we had no children the right ages close by, now they each have 2 or 3 to choose from. This is incredibly important for Gleek who wants companionship all the time. Now she can flit to the next friend when she’s worn one out.

…and I’ve run out of coherent thoughts. Time for bed.