Four kids, one room

In order to give my sister space to sleep, I’ve put Link and Patch on a big airbed in the girls’ room. Gleek took one look at that cool new bed and demanded to sleep there as well. Getting them to settle down into sleep has been a bit tricky, but there is definite cuteness to offset the additional stress. Last night Gleek and Patch were laying on their pillows and talking to each other. They had this whole involved game in which they were special cloudland people who got to sleep on clouds. There has also been the inevitable tickling and giggling. Usually I have to haul at least one of the kids out of the bed so that the others can fall asleep. Some nights I have to let them go to bed one by one. But eventually they do fall asleep. Then I can go stand in one spot an look at my three airbed sleepers and Kiki sleeping in her own bed. It is a beautiful sight.