New Story Available

I’m happy to announce that I sold a story to the e-zine Lorelei Signal. One of the reasons that I picked Lorelei Signal as a place to submit, is because they operate under the same “free content” model that Howard uses for Schlock Mercenary. This means that you can read everything for free and, if you wish, you can make a voluntary donation. Donations can go either to one particular story or to the magazine as a whole. I like this model because it trusts in the goodness of people to donate where they appreciate. It is the same model used by street performers for centuries. So here I am in the virtual public square with my hat out in front of me. You can find my story here: Stories That Bind

6 thoughts on “New Story Available”

  1. Compliments

    Excellent story. It captures the essence of writing, which is the power to change the world.


  2. Wow!

    It’s a beautiful story. I’m glad you left “The Purple Rabbit” behind and moved on to other topics and are able to convey more mature and concise themes. “The Purple Rabbit” was a wonderful place to begin and helped you learn to love writing. Stories that Bind is very concise and very enjoyable! Keep on writing.

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