
So far today:
Carried 9 boxes of The Tub of Happiness books into our house (This was to make space in the storage unit for Hold Horses)
Printed invoices from the store so I can ship orders, all of today’s orders contained magnets which we won’t have until Thursday
Filed the invoices to deal with on Thursday
Checked email & read blogs
Began drafting a press release for Hold Horses
Made breakfast for kids
Researched writing press releases
Fixed a listing error with the ISBN service
Researched distribution through Ingram (Not a chance. We’re too small)
Researched distribution through an Ingram partner Greenleaf Books (Slim chance.)
Printed out a submission form for Greenleaf Books
Remembered I was supposed to be writing a press release, worked on it some more
Updated information in our store and on the Hold Horses site to reflect the fact that books have already arrived.
Drafted an email to a popular blogger, pitching Hold Horses for a contest, haven’t sent it yet.
Went to the post office to mail 80 packages
Made lunch
Opened up the press release again, realized that I could not brain because I have the dumb. Closed it again.
Took a nap
Fed the fish in my virtual fish tank (Yay Insaniquarium)
Helped a neighbor child throw up in my sink and then took her home to her mom.
Washed the sink.
Looked at the press release again, decided I really should go and blog instead.

Still to do:
Pay more attention to children
Get outside for awhile
Fix the Amazon listing so that it reflects the fact that Hold Horses books are available now.
Move 40 boxes of books from our garage into my van
Move 40 boxes of books from my van into our storage unit
Blog something more interesting than a list
Answer email
Make Dinner
Research popular mother and parenting blogs and plot ways to make them interested enough in my book that they’ll write about it.
Fill out registration/volunteer forms for a local book festival
Make a contact at a local independent book store.
Put kids to bed
Finish the press release

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