Figures on the mirror

I got out of my shower this morning to see that the steam from the shower had made an unusual pattern on the mirror. It was two stick figures facing off in battle. Apparently Link has been doing some creative artwork on the mirror after his showers. It made me smile. The figures have faded now, but I know they’ll be back again and again until I get around to cleaning the mirror. Invisible testament to my son’s boundless imagination.

5 thoughts on “Figures on the mirror”

  1. *LOL* This is great! I used to do the same thing when I was a kid! I should start doing it again…

    By the way, you suggested e-mailing Howard to get him to bring copies of Hold Horses to the Keep. What’s the best way to get a hold of him?

  2. Take pictures next time! You’ll miss them in years to come.
    (and teach him how to softly touch a bar of soap when he does it, since it leaves it invisible under normal conditions, but much clearer in the steam… just sayin’)

  3. I thought about taking pictures, but by the pictures faded the minute I opened the door. I’ll have to show him that soap trick. It sounds cool.

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