First thing this morning

“Let’s go to Sam’s Club.” Howard said.
I looked up from my breakfast, startled by his statement. Go to Sam’s club together? But what about the children. I’d need a babysi…the children are all at school.
My stunned silence lasted only a moment as I wrapped my head around this new aspect of my life. I can now go to a store, on a whim, with Howard, and without first arranging babysitting.
“Sure. Let’s go.” I replied.
With a sense of playing hookie or sluffing school, Howard and I abandoned our business tasks to run off to the store together. We didn’t buy anything exciting, just groceries, but the trip was symbolic of this new phase of life that we are entering. Just being together was fun.

6 thoughts on “First thing this morning”

  1. Isn’t it a weird feeling–that after having a preschooler home for so long, suddenly all the kids are old enough to be in school all day?

    My youngest just started 1st grade this year–I’m still adjusting. I keep thinking that I need to rush over to the babysitter’s to pick him up after I’m done teaching, and then I remember that oh yeah, he’s still at school. And now I have time to sneak off to do a bit of shopping before class–without my ADHD boys.

  2. oh man. Shopping without grasping hands and Discussions – heaven!

    Wait, Howard was still there. nevermind.

    You could get spoiled by this, y’know.

  3. Huh. Funny thing is, that as soon as I finish playing LJ catch-up this morning, Valerie has asked me to go grocery shopping with her.

    Clearly I should view this as a fun outing with my better half and not as some kind of forced death march. Thanks. A good shift in my perspective this morning.

  4. It is strange to be half of a couple after so many years as shepherd of a gaggle. Also my Mommy Radar keeps pinging me that I haven’t heard the kids for awhile, so I should check on them. Then I remember that they’re all at school.

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