Shipping Phase 3: Inventory Preparation

Phase 1: Collecting orders
Phase 2: Sorting

Phase 3: Inventory Preparation
This phase of shipping preparation runs concurrently with phase 2 and phase 4. This is because the lion’s share of the work during this phase is done by Howard or other volunteers rather than me. It is during this phase that I make sure we have all the supplies and inventory necessary to fulfill all the orders.

This phase begins when a truck pulls into our driveway and drops of pallets of books. We make arrangements to have 3/5 of the books transported to the storage unit. Those books become our inventory for the next couple of years. The rest of the books have to be signed and sketched for shipping. We arrange a day to have a volunteer come help us. This time we shanghaied a neighbor. He would bring a box of books into the house, open it up, and put all the books into a neat stack on our kitchen counter. Howard grabs the stack and starts signing the covers. Every so often the neighbor would grab the stacks of signed books and deliver them to the kitchen table. I am sitting at the table with the sketch stamp and a tall pile of sketch papers. The papers have all be cut to be narrower than the book, but taller than the book. At the top of each sketch paper is the name of the character to be sketched in that book. I grab a stack of books and I put a stamp and a sketch paper just inside the back cover. The primary reason for the sketch papers is so that we can tell without opening the book what character has been sketched inside. This becomes critically important during the packing phase of shipping. The books get boxed back up and the exterior of each box is labeled with the character that is sketched on the books inside. I try to put only one type of sketch per box to prevent confusion during the packing phase. Because Howard and the neighbor moved faster than me, I sometimes had to box up signed but not-yet-stamped books and stack them to be stamped later. “Later” turned out to be 4 days later this time.

After signing over 1400 books, Howard’s hand had to rest before moving in the next section of work. All those boxes of signed and stamped books were hauled down to Dragon’s Keep. Then Howard opened up the boxes of books, drew a picture in each book, and boxed them back up. This time we had 1000 sketch editions. We allotted three weeks of time for Howard to do the sketching. He’s trying to do about 100 per day. Many of the signed books did not need to be stamped or sketched. These just remain in boxes waiting for the shipping day.

While Howard is doing the sketching, I take some time to double check our physical inventory against the reports generated by our store. In theory our store will only sell what we have, but anyone who has run inventory will tell you that things get lost and misplaced. In this case I made several orders to various suppliers to make sure we have the necessary inventory. As the new inventory comes in, I stack it all in boxes. It will all need to be transported down to Dragon’s Keep for the packing phase. I also make a count of the types of boxes and need and what quantities. The different shipping methods have different boxing requirements. The majority of our orders are a single book in a fold-up box. Larger orders go out in 2″, 3″, or 4″ boxes that we order through The flat rate orders require special boxes that I have to acquire from the post office. I place orders now, so that the packing materials will be here before the big shipping day.

Next phase: Phase 4 Printing Postage.

8 thoughts on “Shipping Phase 3: Inventory Preparation”

  1. As of right now I have the 9th off as a vacation day, but am not sure about the 10th.

    If I can be there Friday as well, I certainly will be. If nothing else, you have me as slave labor for the full day Thursday.

    I won’t have to wear one of those slave collars will I?

  2. Sketch papers

    “The papers have all be cut to be narrower than the book, but taller than the book.”

    Consider buying packages of A4 sized paper next time. It is already a bit taller and narrower than the 8.5×11 inch paper common in the US. Places like Staples or OfficeMax should have some in stock (or be able to easily order it). That would save you some time and effort in this step of the process.

  3. Re: Sketch papers

    For reference, A4 is 210 x 297mm. Google-san says that’s about 8.27 x 11.69 inches. Since I don’t know the format of the Schlock books, I can’t guess at whether that’s narrow and high enough for your purposes.

    But if by “printers” you mean the office equipment (rather than the putting-ink-on-paper specialists, who are unlikely to balk at any rectangular shape you care to invent), then there’s very likely no problem. A4 is so widely used and so close in size to “letter” paper that only an uncommonly stupid printer manufacturer wouldn’t let you use either size in the same tray by moving some bits of plastic by a few millimeters.

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