Schlock Mercenary: The Body Politic is eligible for the Hugo award for Best Graphic Story

This year there is a special Hugo award category for “Best Graphic Story.” The section of the Schlock Mercenary serial that is eligible for this award is Schlock Mercenary: The Body Politic. We’ve created a pdf for anyone who wants to review The Body Politic before deciding on their nominations. The pdf is 35 mb and can be found here. Anyone who attended Denvention (Worldcon in 08) or who has a membership to Anticipation (Worldcon 09) is eligible to nominate works for the Hugo awards. You can print out a nominating ballot here. Or you can register your nominations online here. Remember your ballot has to be received before March 1 and it is going to Canada, so you won’t want to delay. You’ll also need your membership number either from Denvention or Anticipation. The membership number should be in the confirmation email you received when you registered.

When nominating, keep in mind the many other worthy works which are also eligible for this category. (Girl Genius Volume 8: Agatha Heterodyne and the Chapel of Bones by Phil and Kaja Foglio and Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon, Dean, and Nathan Hale, both spring to mind.) I hope that everyone who nominates for the Hugo awards only nominates those works they feel are truly worthy. We do not want to advocate any sort of ballot stuffing.

A hearty good luck to all my friends and acquaintances who have works eligible for Hugo awards. I hope you all do well.