Day: January 6, 2009

We had some snow

Not all snow is created equal. The nine inches we got yesterday afternoon was light and powdery. It was almost fun to shovel that stuff. Today’s five inches were much heavier. Not so fun. Shoveling snow is hard work, but there is a calm about it that I like. The snow absorbs sound making the whole world feel hushed. After last night’s shoveling Howard and I goofed off a little.

We call this one Sad Cartoonist In Snow.

Happy news in picture book land

*Happy dances*
I got an email today from the artist who did the illustrations in my picture book. She let me know that she really enjoyed doing the project and hopes that I will consider her for any projects I have in the future.

I feel a hundred pounds lighter. I’d been worried that the artist was disappointed with the sales I’d managed (or failed to manage) for the book. I do not ever want her to regret the work she put into the project. I have two more picture book projects in mind, but I didn’t dare ask her if she was interested because I didn’t know if she was happy with the performance of the existing book.

It looks like I might get to do another picture book after all. This means I no longer feel like the first project is failing because the “poor” sales are no longer a barricade between me and additional projects that I want to do.
*Happy dance*