We had some snow

Not all snow is created equal. The nine inches we got yesterday afternoon was light and powdery. It was almost fun to shovel that stuff. Today’s five inches were much heavier. Not so fun. Shoveling snow is hard work, but there is a calm about it that I like. The snow absorbs sound making the whole world feel hushed. After last night’s shoveling Howard and I goofed off a little.

We call this one Sad Cartoonist In Snow.

13 thoughts on “We had some snow”

  1. I never have posted my pictures from snowshoeing last week yet, but now that I finally have the right adapter for my microSD (which I lost in the midst of the frantic move after the flood–it’s probably around here somewhere, but I ended up just buying a new one today) I can post the pics from my cell phone too. I have one of me much like this one, only the snow is ridiculously deep and I have several pictures of the attempt to get back *up*.

  2. *sighs* snow’s not something I comprehend, but seeing parody always makes me laugh, thanks for sharing.

    And I hope tonight’s shovelling is easier 😉

  3. That much snow would bring this city (Phoenix) to a screaming halt. I think the most we’ve ever had was about .10 of a inch of snow. Brrrr

  4. Most of the cities around here are complaining about insufficient snow removal budgets. It is kind of like we got all the snow for the whole winter in a single week. …And yet everything is still running.

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