Getting there

When Howard and I first released Under New Management (four years ago now) we did some math and figured out that if we could just sell 10 books per day, that would cover all our bills. It seemed an impossibly high number. Fortunately the huge pile of sales which occurred when we first released new title allowed us to bank money against the months when sales were much slower.

Today was not a special day in terms of sales or publicity. Howard made no announcements, we didn’t mention books in our blogs, we did not do anything to draw attention to the fact that there are Schlock books available, and yet we sold 9 books today. Yesterday we sold 8 books. There are still days when no one stops by our online store, but more and more often we are seeing the days when store sales are sufficient to pay for that day’s worth of bills. This is good news. The difference is not in the total number of sales, but in the fact that we have multiple titles available. This is why we are pushing hard to get more books into print. We want to reach a point where Schlock Mercenary can not only pay our bills, but also provide jobs to other people.