Hugo Thoughts

So I was staring at the list of Hugo Nominees (this is something you do when you can hardly believe your husband’s name is there and so you have to check just to make sure. Again. For about the 57th time) and I noticed something. All the other nominated works in the Graphic Story category have two to six creators attached to them as well as a publisher. For Schlock Mercenary there is just Howard, and I am his publisher. Somehow this really underlines for me the sheer crazy impossibility of what we have undertaken. It really should not be succeeding, and yet somehow through hard work, and scrambling, and more hard work, and lots of help from friends, and encouragement from fans, and even more hard work, and some kind of a miracle, we keep going. The scary bit is that so much depends upon Howard and upon me. If either of us fails, it will all fall apart. We must be crazy to undertake this challenge…and yet, there is his name on that list with people who have been creating graphic stories for far longer than we have. This blows me away.