Day: April 4, 2009

Howard’s split lip

First I will say that in the grand scheme, Howard’s injury is minor. He has three stitches and some very colorful bruising. For the rest of the story and my thoughts on why I am a better mother than I am a paramedic you can click the link. If you are sqeamish about blood, you may want to skip it.

Readjusted perspective

This weekend is my church’s General Conference. This is a major event that is broadcast all over the world via radio, television, and internet. Today I am listening via Radio while doing housework. Tomorrow I will sit down with the kids in front of the television broadcast and we’ll all do quiet activities while listening.

After listening to two hours of talks, several of which addressed faith in the face of adversity, my stresses seem pretty small and unimportant. When so many people are dealing with the stress of not having enough work, it seems ungrateful of me to complain that I have too much. Especially when my problem can be solved by giving the work to someone else and paying them to do it. This makes me far less stressed and makes the other person less stressed about lack of income. Everybody wins. I really want sales to continue to go well so that I can continue this trend. We would love for Schlock to be able to support multiple households.

There are six more hours of General Conference to go. I’m looking forward to it.