XDM layout and the efficacy of ranting

Apparently the week saved the usual Monday frazzle and dished it out to my on Tuesday this week. At this very moment I am at the opposite end of the house from my layout work, because I need a break to straighten the kinks out of my brain before tackling it again. As I expected the stacking of tasks on the XDM project is creating extra layout work for me. I knew I would have to re-do things several times, but it is still tiring and frustrating tweaking a page that I know I’ll have to tweak in the same way again when the text gets changed. But I have to tweak the page now so that Howard can see which pictures he needs to draw. More satisfying are the whole document tasks where I put in a change that I know gets to stay. Like page numbers. All the pages have numbers now. Next up I get to figure out cross-references. Whee.

At least yesterday morning’s on-the-way-to-drop-kids-at-school rant entitled “It is not fair that I have to do things for you when you could do them yourselves and then maybe I’d get to eat breakfast once in awhile.” Oh wait. That’s more of a summarization of the whole rant, but it was longer and louder yesterday. ANYWAY. This morning the kids were all dressed lickety-split and smiling. (Except Gleek who spiked a fever and stayed home from school instead.) They got to school early and I got to eat breakfast too. I love it when the rant actually has an effect. Although now I worry that my extensive and detailed list will teach my kids that keeping score is part of what mothers do, when actually the opposite is true. Family works much better when no one is keeping score of the services and favors. And yet I also have to make sure that they learn to be responsible for themselves instead of just expecting me to do everything. So I sometimes do one and sometimes do the other. Then I get to worry about being inconsistent. Somehow it all works out and a lopsided balance is achieved.