I Made the Rules all Bendy

It should not have surprised me that after nearly a week of highly focused schedule keeping, I had two days where I let everything slip.  None of us broke any rules, but I let the schedule slump into an untidy heap and there was lots of wiggle room without technically breaking any rules.  We still more or less got to bed on time.  Homework got more or less done.  Chores were skipped.  And both Howard and I played instead of working.  This kind of a day is good to have every once in awhile.  The fact that I’m now working on my second day of slumpiness indicates some things.

I need more exercise.
I need to get out of my house more, especially when the weather is nice.
I need to be getting more sleep. (Staying up too late makes tomorrow worse without making today any better.)
I need to put things into my schedule that I look forward to doing.
I need to be cautious about time slurping games.

I have a three day weekend.  Hopefully I can use it to recharge.