Describing Today is Not Simple

How do I describe a day that has been filled with strife, and prayer, and answers to prayer, and being an answer to the prayer of someone else? It was a day that began badly, but was redeemed by everything that came after.

Link needs more positive attention to balance out all the negative he has been getting lately. I began the morning determined to provide it. I’m still not sure how that determination devolved into a stand-off over kids eating breakfast complete with ultimatums and crying. I dropped off three unhappy children at school and came home to sort through where things had gone wrong. Howard and I had a good discussion about it. We identified where we’d been working at cross purposes. I felt better, but still wrung out.

Our church has a program called Visiting Teaching where two women are assigned to visit a third. Everyone gets a turn to teach and be taught. It builds relationships and a strong community. I had an appointment to go and I was in charge of the lesson. I flipped open the church magazine and saw that the lesson was on nurturing children. How ironic after the morning I’d just had. Instead of teaching the lesson, I fessed up to those other women (who are both grandmothers) about how my morning had gone and how burdened I felt with the responsibility of raising four children. I opened my heart to them and they poured in comfort. Then the woman I was visiting opened her heart. She shared some of what she has been suffering lately. Her story is not mine to tell, but she is amazing. The best part was being able to draw upon some of my own experiences and say things that were helpful to her. These visits are supposed to be around 30 minutes. Ours lasted an hour and a half because none of us wanted it to be over. Visiting Teaching is always a good thing, but every so often it is an amazing thing.

That was a sufficient emotional roller coaster for one day, but the ride was not yet over. Next Howard and I had a business meeting. It was a good meeting. But all business meetings require focus and thought. I am always tired afterward.

The afternoon brought the kids home from school and the necessary aftermath of the morning’s upset. All the kids needed additional reassurance and kindness. They also were required to sit in front of bowls of bland oatmeal and eat some. This allowed them to appreciate by comparison the other foods we have been supplying. They sampled and the light dawned. I don’t think tomorrow will feature breakfast complaints. I played some games with the kids to provide positive attention. I repaired a beloved object that has been waiting. I fixed a dinner that they all like. I generally did my best to be a stable, happy presence despite the fact that I’d been wrung empty.

My friend Janci came over to lend me company and morale support. She’d had her own events for the day and we both felt better for commiserating and rejoicing together.

Now it is all done. The kids are in bed. Howard is home and he brought a fun video for us to watch. I am tired. I am beyond tired. My eyes still feel raw and inclined to leak. But it has been an undeniably good day. I did things today that really matter. I did things that made my small corner of the world a better place. I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I wouldn’t even try to skip the bad beginning. It is all of a piece. This day was good. I shall treasure it.

…but I shall also hope for a less eventful day tomorrow.