Thus far, the soup was the best part of the day.

As I expected, I’ve discovered myself in a biorythmic lull where it is hard to motivate myself to do anything on my To Do list. The lull is exacerbated by the lack of sleep occasioned by Gleek spiking a fever again and filling the night with disruptions, including the need for a pot by the bedside. I took her to the doctor this morning. He agreed that the rash looked like roseola, but that the same sorts of rashes can be caused by various flu viruses. So the new, exciting diagnosis is “Non-Specific Viral Flu With Rash.” Whee. She’ll be fine as long as we keep her hydrated.

So my day was spent, somehow… it has gone a bit fuzzy to tell the truth. I played some Plants vs. Zombies. I read. I made soup. I tended my sick girl. I took a nap. I was not particularly coherent for any of it.

Then the day was gone and the other kids came home from school. This was the part for which I was conserving energy. I had to require Link to do his writing homework before playing. Then I had to run over to Kiki’s school to meet with some of her teachers. She had another overwhelmed breakdown last night, during which she sobbed about failing everything and how much stuff she has to do. So I needed to get a more accurate picture of what is required. She has good teachers. We now have a plan, which Kiki will not like, but which she agrees is necessary. I now have two kids who will be required to do their homework before playing. Honestly, if Kiki puts in an hour per day, she’ll have no trouble keeping up.

Ahead of me are the evening hours. There must be a dinner. (I’m thinking frozen chicken nuggets.) More homework must be done. Dishes need to be washed. I need to keep bed time on schedule. Then, hopefully, there will be a good night’s sleep for everyone. At least I have 30 more minutes before I have to start all of that.