
Alright, I’ve found reasons to continue this live journal thing. It could be that overnight I ended up on the friends list of 6 people. That’ll be Howard’s fault. He’s like a seive I send out into the world. He comes back with a few gems of friends and they become my friends too. It’s really convenient for me, I don’t have spend all that time making small talk to people with whom I have nothing in common. Obviously most of the Schlock fans are just nice to me because I’m married to their cool cartoonist, but some become real friends and when that happens it is really cool. Good friends are treasures.

That leads me to the second reason for maintaining this journal for a time. I’ve already recieved two comments to my brief first journal and one was from a forum friend with whom I haven’t communicated in a very long time. I’m very glad to know that SomebodyStrange is still out there and glad to hear from him. I’ll have to go and check out his journal to see what life has done to him lately.

A third reason for this journal is to provide a parallax view of Schlock Mercenary for those who care. I have a unique viewpoint on the creation of the comic. To be honest though, I’m not sure how much Schlock will feature in this journal. I’m not even sure how much journalling I’ll be doing. I can see myself getting addicted to this and waxing philosophical and creative. I can also see myself getting busy (what do I mean ‘getting’ I’m already busy) and never having time or energy to write entries.

One drawback for this as a true journal is it’s publicity. I have thoughts that I don’t mind sharing with anyone, but I also have thoughts and feelings and events which could really use the introspection of a journal, but which I am disinclined to hang out here in full public view. And I do a disservice to Howard or to my children if I expose their private lives too far. I’m in a position to know many things which are not my stories to tell, and yet those stories change me. I must ponder on them and sort them out and a journal is ideal for that, but it won’t be here.

And then there is the danger of babbling. I get started and I just want to keep going without rhyme (Ick just the thought of trying to actually RHYME and entire journal entry makes me shudder) or reason. I’ve already rambled too far. Time to go back home and do the laundry.

7 thoughts on “Continuation”

  1. One thing to remember about Livejournals is that as long as you can write in complete and coherent sentances you are already in the top 20% as far as quality goes, regardless of your content. Add to that that people choose to read your journal at will and continue to do so only if they find it worthwhile, and you are left with nothing to fear as far as rambling and pointless entries are concerned. People will read what they want to read and no more.

    It may seem to be a bit of a self-serving view of Livejournals, but on the whole Livejournal is a rather self-serving medium. 🙂

    I look forward to reading more of whatever you choose to share. So far I like your style, and it’s better than actually working at my job all day. 😉

  2. Lord Byron’s babble would be Michael Bay’s masterpiece

    By introduction, in the forums I’m known as UFMike, a very infrequent poster (waves). I enjoyed your insights and humor there, which is why *I* added you to my friends list. Be warned, LJ can be addictive, especially as the communities can be very intriguing.

    FYI, if you haven’t yet come across it, you can set different levels of confidence by creating custom friends lists. This allows you to filter your posts by the audience you want to see them. Many, if not most, of the frequent posters do this.

    Welcome, and I look forward to reading further. 🙂

  3. Oh, docjeed’s post below has reminded me that I forgot to introduce myself. In case you are curious about where your readers are coming from, I’m yet another fan of Schlock. I’ve only ever made two posts to the forums there (once each of the past two years to guess Howard’s cholestoral level), though, so I’m an unknown entity in the Schlockiverse.

  4. Re: Lord Byron’s babble would be Michael Bay’s masterpiece

    Yup. What he said about custom Friends lists and filters.

    And yes, the communities are a lot of fun. And unlike Usenet you can have photos with posts. 🙂 I especially like . Someone the other day had a photo of salmon, bacon-wrapped aspargus, and corn on the cob on a grill. It looked soooo good. (That’s why we call it Food_porn. It’s the stuff that makes you drool. We get photos and recipes and requests for information about how to cook stuff.

  5. I’ve never heard of someone referring to their husband as a sieve before, and in a positive way even! You won me over with that first paragraph there all by it’s lonesome.

    Also, as for the publicity of the journal, you can always use private entries to help stem that a bit. I do that occasionally (just yesterday I used a private entry to remind myself that I put a battery recharger in the guest room, so it didn’t sit there for the next month, alone and abandoned).

  6. One drawback for this as a true journal is it’s publicity. I have thoughts that I don’t mind sharing with anyone, but I also have thoughts and feelings and events which could really use the introspection of a journal, but which I am disinclined to hang out here in full public view. And I do a disservice to Howard or to my children if I expose their private lives too far. I’m in a position to know many things which are not my stories to tell, and yet those stories change me. I must ponder on them and sort them out and a journal is ideal for that, but it won’t be here.

    For the record, you can filter posts you make. Set some friends-only, make groups so only specific friends can see them, set other completely Private… Very handy, really. I make frequent use of it.

    And then there is the danger of babbling. I get started and I just want to keep going without rhyme (Ick just the thought of trying to actually RHYME and entire journal entry makes me shudder) or reason. I’ve already rambled too far. Time to go back home and do the laundry.

    Ahhh, but that’s the grand glory of it, you see! You’re free to ramble and rattle and ponder and pontificate, because above all else… The Journal is Yours, to use, abuse, and use to confuse as you see fit. If you decide you don’t want to show your rambling to the world without checking it over again, you can get a client like Semagic (the one I use), and have the default Posting setting be to Private, giving you time to go check it over later, peruse it, edit it as you see fit and then release the adjusted version to the world if you want.

    I’ve personally eradicated entire pages of my history that I don’t want anyone knowing about from my Journal.

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